[Wilhelm] [looking around, turning to the audience] Well, now you know what’s going on. Right, looks like we can continue.
[The demon enters the wall, and a snap of fingers is heard from the inside of the wall. The adventurers can move again.]
[Gottfried] [from behind the curtain] How is this possible?!
[Lithaniel] [to Jack] Hey! I killed you! You can’t even manage to stay dead, you little jerk!
[Yorri] [voice muffled by the pillow] Aaa !!! It’s him again! I pray!!!
[Lithaniel, Gottfried] [together, surprised] What now?!
[Yorri] [throwing away the pillow] I pray!
[Gottfried] To whom?
[Yorri] [irritated] Whomever, I don’t care! This is our only hope… [pointing to his face] Look what that little bastard did to me!
[Yorri starts mumbling a prayer. Jack stands there confused for a moment, then moves forward. At this point, a small goblin with glasses and wearing a jacket emerges from under the bed. He gestures to Jack showing him to stop.]
[Sharankiel] [putting a finger to his lips] Shhh …
[Gottfried] What in the…
[Sharankiel] [in a raspy but extremely loud voice] Shut up!
[Everyone freezes in surprise. Satisfied, the goblin reaches into his jacket and produces some very old, yellowed paper.]
[Sharankiel] [clearing his throat] You have chosen the I.P.T.A.G.A.R. service, which stands for “I Pray To A God At Random.”
[Sharankiel hides the paper and takes three 10-sided dice from his pocket, then rolls up his sleeves.]
[Sharankiel] The lottery goblin’s sleeves are empty. The lock is released. [the goblin rolls the dice] The roll commences …
[The dice roll and stop at four hundred and twenty-one. The goblin picks up the dice and puts them back in his pocket, then takes the paper out again.]
[Sharankiel] [reading from the paper] The result of the roll is four hundred and twenty-one. You’ve managed to contact Yappgarrak.
[Yorri] [with eyes wide open in surprise] Who the hell is Yappgarrak?!
[Sharankiel] [adjusting his glasses] Yappgarrak is the snotling god of … dung.
[Yorri] What did you call me, you green slimy worm?!
[Lithaniel] No, I think he means… this god … his element or attribute is … dung?
[Sharankiel] [grinning] Yes, sir! [to Yorri] Now Yappgarrak’s blessing will be bestowed … After all, you are only his twelfth worshiper. The god will surely appreciate that.
[At this point, a large, smelly stain appears out of nowhere on Yorri’s clothing.]
[Yorri] [surprised] What the hell is that ?!
[Sharankiel] [nodding] Oh, such a generous gift. You have been marked as the god’s chosen! It’s a holy stain!
[Yorri] [in a barely audible resigned voice] And what does it do?
[Sharankiel] It won’t wash off!
[Yorri, Gottfried, Lithaniel] …
[The goblin happily cleans up his inventory.]
[Sharankiel] [disappearing under the bed] Thank you for choosing I.P.T.A.G.A.R. We hope to hear from you again!
[Jack] [clashing his claws together] Well you little buggers, any more brilliant ideas before I cut you to pieces?
[Lithaniel] [to himself] I’m going to die at the hands of a halfling Jack the Ripper… What humiliation.
[At that moment, however, Gottfried mumbles a magic formula, rushes towards Jack and touches his forehead. The halfling falls unconscious to the ground.]
[Yorri] [eyes widening] What the hell was that?!
[Gottfried] [happily] Ha, it’s in! The “Sleep” spell worked!
[Lithaniel] [through his teeth] Gottfried …
[Gottfried] Yes?
[Lithaniel] Tell me, my introvert magician friend… [screaming] Why didn’t you do this much, much earlier ?!
[Gottfried] [discouraged] Well, I did try …
[Lithaniel] And what?
[Gottfried] And it didn’t work! [whispering] Fourteen times in a row …
[Lithaniel starts banging his head against the wall.]
[Gottfried] Hey, what’s with you? It could happen to anyone.
[Lithaniel] [with resignation] Nothing Gottfried, nothing … [with emphasis] You’re great. But tell me … Do you realize that we are in the Castle of probably the greatest magical power in the world, to which we can only oppose a magician, who can barely cast “Sleep” in the fifteenth attempt?
[Gottfried] [in high voice] Petty magic is always like that! The most complicated spells work more often, but petty magic always gets screwed up! It’s not my fault!
[Yorri] No, Goatee. Eeyore here is right, you are shit. I lost an eye because of you. In my opinion, we should get out of this Castle as soon as possible and come back when we find a decent mage.
[Gottfried] [disheartened] But …
[Lithaniel] [cold voice] The midget is right. We’re getting out of here. [to the dwarf] Take Jack with… We’ll dump him in the well on our way out.
[The elf and the dwarf leave the chamber. Gottfried follows them, his head low. After the adventurers have left the chamber, Wilhelm comes out of the wall.]
[Wilhelm] [in a demonic voice, to himself] That’s what you think… little buggers.