[Snori] By Grungni! What the hell is this ?! A frog?
[Lorindil] Looks like a ball of excrement and smells like one as well.
[Wolfgang] By Ulric!
[Lorindil] “By Ulric”, what?
[Wolfgang] Nothing, cute little fella…
[Snori] [adjusting his grip on the axe] I’m going to make two cute little fellas out of him.
[Lorindil] Wait! Maybe he’s not hostile?
[Snori] But he stinks …
[Lorindil] And if you cut him in half, then what? He’ll start smelling nice?
[The little creature stops right next to the heroes and turns to them.]
[Blup the Nurgling] Wkah ’jdasbja’ sgd ’uysgdaskjxn’ mzbxsss ’sakjhs!
[Snori, Lorindil, Wolfgang] ?
[At this point, Wilhelm comes out of the wall (literally), stands next to the Nurgling, pats it on the head in a friendly manner, and turns to the adventurers.]
[Wilhelm] Gentlemen, can I be of assistance with your language difficulties?
[Snori] No, but you can tell us what the ball is saying.
[Wilhelm nudges the Nurgling with the tip of his shoe.]
[Wilhelm] Whjsa ’ghjasgd’ asdsanb?
[Blup] Wkah ’jdasbja’ sgd ’uysgdaskjxn’ mzbxsss ’sakjhs!
[Wilhelm] He says, “Blup wants play” … “to”, I suppose.
[Blup walks over to Wolfgang. He pats the human with his hand.]
[Blup] Wshgd ’kajhdskajshd’ kquwfdsdb ’cjsdfsndfbs’ sadfjhfs ’aksjhdda!
[Then he swiftly turns and runs out of the room, quickly moving his little legs.]
[Wolfgang] What did the little one say?
[William] The little one said: “Pox! You’re it! ”. Charming, isn’t it?
[Wolfgang] Hyhy.
[Wolfgang pats Snori on the shoulder and walks away from him in a hurry.]
[Wolfgang] Pox! You’re it!
[Snori] Why ya…
[Snori looks upset and kicks Lorindil’s ankle.]
[Snori] Pox, damn it! You’re it, you are!
[Lorindil looks at Snori, looks at Wolfgang, looks at Wilhelm, looks at Snori again, then slaps his head with his open palm.]
[Lorindil] Imbeeeecileeeees …
[Wilhelm] [chuckling] You know… This game wasn’t this funny among us demons.