[Lithaniel] [looking around the chamber] Well, at least this room is where it should be. [to Gottfried] By the way, nice explosion, Gottfried.
[Gottfried] [pleased] Thank you.
[Yorri rubs his eye, opens his mouth wide, and holds a trembling finger in front of him, pointing at the axe.]
[Lithaniel] [noticing the axe] Hey, nice …
[Yorri] [rushing towards the weapon] Mine! Don’t touch it! It’s mine!!!
[Gottfried] Yorri, don’t you think that, considering the amount of runes that cover it, I should first investigate whether it is cursed in one way or another?
[Yorri takes the axe off the wall and hugs it.]
[Yorri] Mine! [in Gollum’s voice] My … preeeecioooous …
[Lithaniel] [irritated] Oh, please, not that old crap. [to Gottfried] Let him have it, his risk not ours.
[Gottfried] I don’t know, this axe can have a bad effect on all of us if it’s an artifact of chaos.
[Yorri] [ironically] Ha! “An artifact of chaos”, that’s rich. You just want to put your greedy hands on it, manling…
[Gottfried] [with emphasis] “My” … greedy hands?
[Yorri] Every self-respecting dwarf …
[Lithaniel] [interfering] Every self-respecting dwarf who was banished from his village for some terrible crime, forced to seek death as a troll slayer …
[Yorri] [offended] Shut up! Every dwarf can see that these are dwarven runes, and the axe itself is a state of the art masterpiece of the finest dwarven blacksmiths. It cannot therefore be an artifact of chaos. Not only is it not a chaos artifact, but it has been placed here for a reason. It’s here so I can wield it and, using its might, destroy [with emphasis] the Eternal Evil – Constant Drachenfels!
[Lithaniel] [rolling his eyes] Oh, fuck me… We’ve got a dwarven messiah here! Careful, bushes will start catching fire near you!
[Yorri] Laugh all you want long-ear, but you’ll see. One day you will be telling your little long-eared brats how you cowered in fear alongside Yorri, the Slayer of Constant Drachenfels!
[Lithaniel] [dismissively] Yeah, right … Maybe try out your new axe on [pointing to suits of armor, which, with eyes suddenly glowing, start arming themselves with halberds] these two lads. It may turn out, unsurprisingly, that it’s a magic axe of bluntness.
[Gottfried] No, you don’t need to, I’ll dispel the magic that made them come alive in a moment.
[Yorri] [with his chest out] Ha! Leave them to me, manling! I’ll show that damn long-ear bastard… Besides, [running his thumb over the blade of the axe, cutting himself slightly] the axe craves…
[The dwarf falls silent as he crashes to the floor, dead. The human and the elf stand there stunned for a moment. Gottfried shakes off quickly, and mumbles a magic formula. The now attacking suits of armor crumble into motionless pieces. The adventurers run up to Yorri. Lithaniel checks the dwarf’s pulse.]
[Lithaniel] [surprised, to Gottfried] Hey, he’s really dead!
[Gottfried carefully picks up the axe and examines it intently.]
[Gottfried] No wonder …
[Gottfried] [pointing to a magic symbol on the axe] This is a rune of death against dwarfs.
[Lithaniel bursts out laughing hysterically.]
[Lithaniel] Er … sorry, but I couldn’t help myself.
[Gottfried] [hanging the axe back on the wall] Nothing funny here, my bloody comrade. There are only two of us left.
[Lithaniel] [coldly] Personally, I think he was just causing problems …
[Gottfried] …
[Lithaniel] My only regret is that I won’t get to know what terrible crime he committed which made him a troll slayer.
[At this point, Wilhelm walks out of the wall, parade-style.]
[Wilhelm] Curiosity killed the… well no one this time, my friend.
[Lithaniel] Beat it, you demonic asshole. Gottfried, send him back to the astral plain.
[Wilhelm] [to himself] Yeah, if only you could. [to Gottfried, with theatrical fear] No! Wait! Don’t use your evil magic on me.
[Gottfried] Why?
[Wilhelm] [smiling under his breath] If you spare me … I’ll show you how Yorri became a troll slayer!
[Gottfried] No, I’d rather…
[Lithaniel] Wait, I’m really curious. Show us!
[Gottfried] But …
[Lithaniel] It’s okay, Gottie, if we don’t like the show [with threat in his voice, to the demon] we’ll banish him afterwards.
[Wilhelm] Exactly! What a sly plan!
[Gottfried] You are reckless, Lithaniel.
[Lithaniel] Don’t whine … [to Wilhelm] Do your thing.
[Wilhelm snaps his fingers. The scene turns one hundred and eighty degrees. The scenery now shows one of the streets of a town in a dwarven fortress. The audience can see the interiors of two buildings. One of them is a school with desks and little dwarves sitting behind them. There is also a blackboard and an empty teacher’s seat. The second of the visible buildings is a barber’s shop, which, considering the dwarven customs, does not complain about a crowd of customers. From the left, a dwarf kid enters the stage. He has a wooden axe on his back and a slingshot in his pocket. The kid looks towards the school, he looks at the sun and then with tears in his eyes again at the school.]
[Little Yorri] [in a tearful voice] Oh no! I’m late for school! What shame, what a disgrace! My parents will never speak to me again … I have stained the honor of my family! The memory of my always punctual ancestors, doomed to eternal damnation. Woe is me! [after a moment, shrugging his shoulders] Well, there’s only one thing left for me to do …
[Little Gotrek] [from the classroom window] Hey, Yorri! Come on, lessons haven’t started yet!
[Little Yorri] [with exaggeration] Ah, Gotrek. Good old Gotrek. Always a friend. Even in the moment of my disgrace. [to Gotrek] It’s too late for me, my friend! I am disgraced. I’ll never forget you! [to himself] There are times when a dwarf has to do what a dwarf has to do.
[Little Yorri directs his steps to the barber’s shop. He enters, greets the barber politely and sits down on the chair. The old barber rubs his eyes in amazement.]
[The Barber] A customer! By the gods! A real client! [to Yorri] Welcome, sir! What can I do for you this fine day?
[Little Yorri] I would like a head wash, then we do an orange crest!
[The Barber] If I may… purple is the new orange this season, especially in the north.
[Little Yorri] No, no… I have committed a crime which grim details I can never disclose to anyone. An orange crest on my head will be a symbol of that… [after a pause] That’s what Troll Slayers do!
[The scene at this point turns one hundred and eighty degrees again. The armory reappears before the eyes of the audience. Lithaniel rolls on the floor in a sudden burst of laughter, and Gottfried tries to keep the elf from harming himself in these convulsions.]
[Gottfried] [to Wilhelm reproachfully] You bastard! You wanted to kill him with laughter!
[Wilhelm] I wouldn’t… Well, it’s time for me, enjoy your plunder.
[The demon exits happily, and Lithaniel continues his spasms of laughter.]