[Snori] Can anyone tell me how the hell, being already inside the main goddamn building of the castle, we got into a damn tower?!
[Lorindil] We walked through a wall…
[Snori] Be quiet! I do not accept something like that to happen, unless we were drinking all night and I got so drunk that I don’t even remember having been drinking.
[Snori looks around the room with irritation.]
[Snori] And you, stunt double, what will you say?
[Wolfgang] [looking over the shoulder] Me? But what will I say?
[Lorindil] The theory that humans are descended from apes is a big piece of nonsense. The only thing I can believe is that apes come from humans …
[Snori] Yeah, and humans from elves. Okay, whatever, let’s see what’s in the other room, then we’ll do some basement scavenging.
[Lorindil] Who actually made you the leader?
[Snori] I have the most leadership points in the party you junior sub-rank tree hugger. Now, follow me.
[Snori enters the room, followed by the elf and human.]
[Snori] Um, great, an empty cage… We can, I don’t know, make a swing out of it. Lads, follow me, there’s nothing here.
[Lorindil] [observing the traces of mucus] I’m afraid to look up … Wolfgang, look up.
[At this point, the Chaos Warrior detaches from the ceiling and lands on the floor, blocking the exit. Wolfgang looks up.]
[Wolfgang] Nothing there, just a stain.
[Lorindil] …
[Snori] Okay guys, let’s get those weapons out, the axe wants slime!
[The dwarf reaches for his axe, but he does it so clumsily that it slips out of his hands and, having flown the entire length of the room, falls out the narrow window.]
[Snori] [frustrated] Damn. Rune of returning, eh?! Yeah, right! Stupid demon!
[Lorndil] [pulling out a dagger] Bravo general, now we will have to count on the combat abilities of the orangutan.
[Snori] Don’t be so hard on yourself … with this little dagger you look more like a weasel than an orangutan.
[Wolfgang] [taking out his sword] By Ulric!
[Wolfgang lunges in a maddened attack on the mutant. He deals one powerful blow, which misses the target, but makes a large bruise in the wall. The monster parries the second blow with its sword. Then, both their weapons get in contact with each other and the Ulrican’s sword immediately turns to dust.]
[Lorindil] Damn.
[Wolfgang] [with despair in his voice] My sword!
[The party moves back and the mutant slowly crawls towards them.]
[Lorindil] Snori! How high are we ?!
[Snori] [looking out the window] Oh shit… About thirty meters. The highest, damn, tower of this castle.
[The monster, taking advantage of the distraction of the opponents, lashes out with its tail and hits Wolfgang in the head. The man falls immediately unconscious. Snori seeing this grabs the crowbar lying by the wall.]
[Snori] No one hits my idiot and gets away with it!
[The dwarf throws himself at the mutant and starts hitting it with the crowbar targeting the constantly mutating face. The beast, squealing in pain, tries to escape with all its strength, but Snori, steps on its tentacles and starts hitting with redoubled efforts. After some time, the massacred beast falls dead. The dwarf breathes heavily. With bloodshot eyes he looks at the rest of the party. He throws away the crowbar and approaches the lying Wolfgang. He stands there for a while, then starts kicking the Ulrican hard on the head.]
[Snori] Get up, you goddamn loafer! Get up, I say! I threw away my axe because of you!
[The elf looks at the maddened dwarf with confusion. He picks up the crowbar, then applies a more brutal version of the “sleep” spell to his companion. He walks around the room for a moment with the crowbar in his hand, then takes out some notes of his travel bag.]
[Lorindil] [reading aloud] “… it is said that the highest tower of the castle is called the Tower of Frenzy.” What an extremely coincidental name…
[The elf hides the notes. He walks over to the mutant. He kicks away a tentacle and raises the sword.]
[Lorindil] [looking at the weapon] Hm. Nice, decent job.
[At this point, the elf’s eyes suddenly glow with purple light. He bursts into flames for a short while, then the fires go out and he is unharmed. The elf picks up the necklace with the symbol of Tzeentch.]
[Lorindil] [with a demonic whisper] I have walked the Void… Here time is the traveller and I am the constant.