Study of a Demon

owe the idea for Wilhelm’s character to the WFRP 1ed core rulebook. The bestiary there includes a “Demonic Servant”. To be fair, when you read the description, it turns out that the authors meant an ordinary minion in form of a wolf or a horse. On the other hand, they do not set out any strict limits in this scope. To me, a figure of a real servant i.e. a butler or a majordomo was more appealing.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Edycja Polska, Wydawnictwo “MAG”, Games Workshop Ltd.

It made sense to me that someone like Count Constant Drachenfels must “employ” a manservant of some sort (apart from, you know,  and entire court of various beasts and demons). In a way, I ended up with something like Batman and Alfred… in a very twisted variety.

Wilhelm is an unusual demon. Yes, he is smart, cunning and malicious. He will twist the logic of your wishes and desires. He will toy with you and harm you for amusement. He does have special powers (more on that in the following scenes). However, he is also lazy and, unlike other demons, he is not immune to psychological effects. In fact, Wilhelm’s psychology is quite complicated. The prolonged stay outside the Warp, in not so comfortable circumstances (to put it mildly), has caused Wilhelm to sometimes forget that he is a supernatural being. He does suffer. And when he suffers, he throws a hissy fit … and then takes his revenge. Which in turn is a very demonic thing to do.

Wilhelm is actually the main character of Drach Tales. He is the embodiment of the specific character of the entire piece. Drach Tales is a kind of study of Wilhelm as a demon and a fresh new look at these sort of beings.

It was quite difficult to present him graphically. It required several approaches and a series of corrections on the part of the artist who drew him (although, it was nothing compared to the ordeal it took to finally reflect the appearance of Drachenfels).

I hope you’ll like Wilhelm as your guide in the Castle.

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