Drach Tales
We have already published 3 scenes of the first act. From the author’s perspective, it is an amazing feeling when something you create takes a material form (especially as an illustration). In the meantime, we continue to work on illustrating the second act.
Drach Tales: Adventures
Work is also underway on our first adventure for WFPR 4ed. This adventure begins in Ubersreik but then continues outside the city’s walls. For me and my players it served as the start of a campaign which continued with Madmen of Gotheim from the Ubersreik Adventures. Then we moved to the Eye for an eye adventure, which is a fourth edition conversion of the WFRP 3ed adventure. Now we are playing another adventure prepared by me based on the Horror of Hugeldal (also WFRP 3ed). It comes out pretty cool and smooth so far. I will describe it in a bit more detail after the initial adventure is published on Drach Tales.
Have a great Sunday!