Work related to the website
The main works on the site are more or less completed. This week there were a few more small fixes and implemetations of additional functionalities (particularly regarding the newsletter).
Drach Tales
The works are going along nicely. Yesterday, I got another illustration for the last scene of the current act. Can’t wait to show it to you guys.
As a reminder, after the publication of the first act on the website, the complete act will be available in .pdf and e-books in the Download section.
Website promotion
I started a test promotion of the site on Facebook. I want to check how exactly does it work and whether it will really result in new readers on the site. Time will tell. It would mean a lot, if you also recommend Drach Tales to your friends, leave a comment, or at least give a thumbs up.
Drach Tales: Adventures
Work is underway on the first WFRP 4ed fan adventure under the Drach Tales brand. There is quite a lot of material. I was planning to finish earlier, but there are so many things to describe that it will take a while longer than expected. In the meantime me any my players continue to play a campaign which started with this adventure. Seems will be having more materials for future publications.
Have a great Sunday!