The complete Act I is available in the Download section

appy New Year! The annual time for summaries is here at last. Last year’s main accomplishment was to illustrate, remaster and publish the full Act I. The .pdf is available in the Download section. Soon an e-reader version will follow.

In the meantime, I am working on the second Act which should start quite soon. We are currently finalizing last of the illustrations.

I hope you like the current formula of Drach Tales. For me, the complete and illustrated version is a great summary of many years of work and a reminder of unforgettable memories related to the creative process.

In the second Act, the veterans of the series will find a lot of changes. The act was supplemented with new scenes, and many of the old scenes were rewritten.  You can expect as much as 50% of new content.

Meanwhile, help yourself to the .pdf,  feel free to leave comment or two. It’s always nice to see some new entries. Cheers.

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